Advertising & Marketing Policy

We believe ads should help develop and improve sellers businesses and aid in the to the general user experience. Food Prepped offers sellers multiple advertising channels to promote their listings and/or shops. This Advertising & Marketing Policy explains your rights and responsibilities when using Food Prepped’s advertising services.

This Advertising & Marketing Policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By using any of Food Prepped’s advertising services, you’re agreeing to this Advertising & Marketing Policy and our Terms of Use. This Advertising & Marketing Policy may change over time, per the terms of Food Prepped’s Terms of Use. By continuing to use Food Prepped’s services you agree to those changes. 

1. Food Prepped Ads
2. Offsite Ads
3. Shop-Specific Promotions
4. Disclaimers

1. Food Prepped Ads

Sellers can purchase paid advertising on Food Prepped through the Advertising Dashboard in Shop Manager. Food Prepped Ads display a seller’s listings or shops prominently on Food Prepped’s websites and mobile apps. Food Prepped Ads are exhibited in one or more locations, such as users’ search results, based on at least four main ranking aspects. Search significance, listing characteristics including compliance with Food Prepped’s policies, the bids or amount budgeted for bids to display the listing, and for some listings, prospect of views or sales. You may choose to promote some or all your listings or shops as Food Prepped Ads. For more information see Search and Advertisement Ranking Disclosures.

Food Prepped Ads is dedicated to only Food Prepped onsite ads. You can choose which listings to include in Food Prepped Ads, pick your budget, or stop your Food Prepped Ads campaign at any time, in Shop Manager. Your listings or shops may also be entered, at Food Prepped’s sole discretion, in other marketing and third-party advertising programmes as laid out in Section 5 of Food Prepped’s Terms of Use

A. Purchasing Food Prepped Ads

Food Prepped Ads are based on an auction for ad space on Food Prepped’s properties. Food Prepped enters “bids” for this ad space on your behalf based on a daily budget you set. Specifically, Food Prepped Ads use a sealed bid generalised second-price auction system to determine the cost and placement of ads. Ad inventory is “auctioned off” at variable prices, dependent on the competition. For example, if more Food Prepped Ads qualify for a particular search query, the auction price may also increase. Tangible costs the seller incurs will vary depending on the quantity of partakers in the auction and their bid amounts. A bid is the maximum amount of money you will be charged if a buyer clicks on your Food Prepped Ad. Food Prepped’s calculation of bids is based on information you provide, such as your daily budget or the listings you wish to include for Food Prepped Ads. It may also be created on other information gathered by Food Prepped, such as, e.g., search relevance, listing characteristics, listing quality, including seller compliance with Food Prepped’s policies, or prospect of views or sale. For more information on the factors that go into Food Prepped search relevancy, see Food Prepped’s Ultimate Guide to Search

Food Prepped Ads fees are billed on a cost-per-click or “CPC” basis via a bidding system (detailed above), and you are accountable for paying for any clicks your ad obtains. This means that you will be charged only when your ad is clicked, not simply when it is displayed. By offering a budget for Food Prepped to insert bids on your behalf or providing bid amounts yourself, you agree to pay any sum up to and including the bid total for a click on your ad. Your daily maximum budget can be set at or above a predestined minimum determined by Food Prepped and you will not be billed more than your maximum budget daily. All bids are made in British Pounds Sterling (GBP). You may pause an ad campaign at any time, but you will still be accountable for any charges incurred prior to pausing your campaign. Food Prepped is not able to grant refunds for any charges related to clicked ads. 

The cost of your ads will become apparent in your payment account and on the attribution page of the Food Prepped Ads console, this will usually happen within 24 hours of when the fee has been encountered, along with other pending fees, such as listing fees. These costs and fees may be billed on a recurring basis. You can learn more about these, and other fees in our Fees & Payments Policy

B. Setting a Food Prepped Ads Budget

You can set a budget to limit the amount you’re willing to pay for Food Prepped Ads to promote your listings or shops on Food Prepped. Your daily budget can be set at or above a predetermined lowest figure set by Food Prepped and you will not be charged more than your highest set budget daily. Food Prepped Ads does not generally permit you to set a cost per click bid amount. In some situations, Food Prepped may choose to permit the setting of a highest cost per click bid, subject to lowest bid requirements set by Food Prepped, budget limits, and the other requirements described above.

For each Food Prepped Ad, Food Prepped’s bid management system will automatically determine your bid selection (“auto-bidding”). Auto-bidding uses the auction process mentioned above to automatically bid on ad space via pre-set parameters set by the Seller that include minimum/maximum ad spend within a day and is designed to establish the bid price that will dispense positive return on ad spend for a particular listing. You understand and recognise that Food Prepped’s auto-bidding system means that Food Prepped may change your bids at any time, subject to your set budget. If a product permits, you may have the ability to set a maximum cost per click that the auto-bidding system will not surpass.

By default, all your listings will be promoted by default, including any new listings you create; however, if you are using the Sell on Food Prepped App to add new listings, you may be asked whether you want that new listing included in Food Prepped Ads. You may also exclude one or more listings manually from Food Prepped Ads via your Food Prepped Ads dashboard. If you make any edits to your Food Prepped listings whilst your campaign is in operation, your ads will be updated automatically to reflect those changes, although those updates may not be instantaneous.

2. Offsite Ads

Food Prepped purchases offsite advertising from a network of participating providers, such as social networks and search engines. Food Prepped’s network of participating shopping engines may change at any time. Food Prepped currently syndicates listings to a variety of channels. Under the Offsite Ads programme, Food Prepped pays all the upfront costs of advertising on these providers. If such advertising incorporates your listing, a buyer clicks on it, and then orders from your shop within 30 days of that click, you will be billed an advertising fee on said orders. Please consult our Fees & Payments Policy to gain knowledge on how the advertising fee is calculated. 

A. Participation in Offsite Ads

All Sellers are automatically enrolled in Offsite Ads. Some sellers are able to opt-out of the programme, others are required to participate based on the following criteria: (1) if your shop made £10,000 GBP or more total sales in any consecutive 365 day period, you will be required to participate in Offsite Ads for the lifetime of your shop even if you fall below that threshold at a later period; and (2) sellers who have not exceeded the £10,000 GBP threshold in any consecutive 365-day period, or as otherwise required by law, may opt-out of the programme. The sequential 365-day period will be extended to 366 days during a leap year. Dates correspond to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

For calculating this £10,000 GBP threshold, sales are calculated by multiplying item price by quantity minus any discounts or formally cancelled orders. Please see our Fees & Payments Policy for additional information on how this threshold is calculated. These totals are displayed in your Shop Manager. Beginning a month after initial calculations when the programme starts, Food Prepped will perform subsequent calculations on the first day of each calendar month and will give you notice if you have crossed the £10,000 GBP threshold. Once you hit the £10,000 GBP threshold, you are no longer permitted to opt out of Offsite Ads, prior opt outs while under the £10,000 GBP threshold no longer apply, and Food Prepped may promote your listings or shops under the Offsite Ads programme on third-party platforms in our sole discretion, even if you fall below the £10,000 GBP threshold later. 

If you decide to opt out of Offsite Ads, it could take three business days for your listing to be removed from view as part of this programme. Food Prepped may resume using your listings, including for analytics, and marketing purposes, to develop Offsite Ads, even if you opt out of permitting Food Prepped from displaying your listings in this programme. Equally, if you opted out and before your opt out becomes effective, a buyer clicked on your offsite ad, you will still be billed the advertisement fee for any orders placed within 30 days of that buyer’s click. 

All your shops or listings can be promoted and any new listings you generate. If you make any edits to your Food Prepped listings or shop, your ads will be updated automatically to reflect those changes, although those updates may not be instantaneous.

In addition, various third-party platforms on which Offsite Ads are promoted may enable offsite checkout functionality for Food Prepped listings that are presented as Offsite Ads “Partner Checkout”. Particularly, Partner Checkout permits buyers to purchase and conclude sale through the checkout process for such Food Prepped listings via Food Prepped Payments entirely on and through the third-party platform, without a redirect to Food or Food Prepped’s mobile apps. In the instance of any purchase of your listings being concluded via Partner Checkout, the buyer will be made aware that they are purchasing through your shop via Food Prepped Payments and will receive links directly to your shop and shop policies. You will continue to be responsible for your listings, including dispatch, customer support and dispute resolution, regardless of whether a sale is made through the [partner check out flow] or directly on Food or Food Prepped’s mobile apps, in accordance with Food Prepped’s policies. In addition, the Indemnification terms that are included in the Terms of Use will be deemed to include any third-party platforms that enable Partner Checkout as intended third-party beneficiaries of such indemnification rights, on the same terms and to the same extent as Food Prepped and including with respect to Partner Checkout and any listings promoted or sold through Partner Checkout. If you partake in Offsite Ads, some of your listings may furthermore be available for Partner Checkout, and as a result, you will be subject to the related terms and policies described above. You may elect out of Partner Checkout only by electing out of Offsite Ads. 

Advertising on third party platforms, as well as related Partner Checkout, is subject to the terms and policies set forth by each participating platform, which may be different from Food Prepped’s. You are responsible for complying with the terms and policies of the participating third-party sites, which are linked here and above. If not agreed to, your listing may not be included in Offsite Ads. If your shop, listing, ad, or account breaches Food Prepped’s policies, Partner policies, or Food Prepped concludes, in its solitary discretion, is not suitable for Offsite Ads, you, your shop, or one or more of your listings may be constrained from emerging in one or more partner’s channels or prohibited from participating in Offsite Ads altogether. As always, you are responsible for following Food Prepped’s Terms of Use, including requirements about Your Content, your Use of Our Services, and our rights to Termination

If you opt out of permitting Food Prepped from displaying your listings using Offsite Ads, and equally, if you opted out and before your opt out becomes effective and a buyer clicked on your offsite ad, you will still be billed the advertisement fee for any orders placed within 30 days of that buyer’s click, even if you ad is no longer displayed as part of Offsite Ads. 

3. Shop-Specific Promotions

A. Sales and Coupons

Sellers on Food Prepped may choose to offer promotions specifically for their own shops and/or listings. Food Prepped currently offers two promotional tools: Sales and Coupons.

A Sale is a promotion that offers free delivery or discounts on your listing price(s) by a percentage. Sales can be run on a solitary listing or on multiple listings. Sales are public and will be displayed to all buyers, or, if certain seller-selected features are available, to a selected category of buyers. On occasion, Food Prepped may aggregate Sales and promote them through our websites, apps, and emails. When you action a Sale, you are obliged to obey not just these Food Prepped Terms but all laws incorporating consumer protection rules, that apply to sales and campaigns in your nations authority. 

A Coupon is a code that may be redeemed for a discount on an item or free delivery. As a seller, you may generate, sponsor, and dispense Coupons at your discretion, understand that coupons are not to be exhibited publicly. Please note, however, that a Coupon code can be used by any buyer who redeems the code and that a buyer can use a Coupon code on multiple listings and on multiple occasions until any expiration date that you set when creating the Coupon. 

Sellers are responsible for following Food Prepped’s policies, and all applicable laws associated with Sales and Coupons. For Sales, it’s your responsibility to set the terms and conditions for the promotion in the ‘Sale details’ section. For Coupons, it’s your responsibility to communicate any terms or limitations for the promotion to buyers when sharing the Coupon code. Sales and Coupons may not be used for fee avoidance.

B. Targeted Offers

Food Prepped’s Targeted Offers is a free marketing tool that permits you to offer a Coupon to audiences of buyers who have interacted with your shop by either favouriting one of your listings or placing one of your listings to their basket. As with all Coupons, a coupon sent through the Targeted Offer tool can be used by any buyer that redeems the code. It can also be used on multiple listings and on multiple occasions. Targeted Offers is a complementary service to you but understand that you will not be able to limit the quantity of leads if you opt – in to sending coupons through the Targeted Offer feature. If you wish to discontinue Target Offers, you can administer or turn off your campaigns at any time from your Sales and Coupons dashboard. You also have the option to automatically send a Coupon as a thank you to buyers who have made a purchase from your shop. Food Prepped may change or stop this Targeted Offer service at any time upon notice to you. 

Please note that Coupons will only be sent to buyers who have opted in to receive Coupons and Promotions via email from Food Prepped sellers.

4. Disclaimers

Food Prepped reserves the right to change the terms of these advertising programmes at any time, including addition of fees, addition, or removal of platforms, or end the programme (in whole or part) at any time. We will notify you of major changes.

Using advertising and promotional services through Food Prepped does not constitute an obligation on Food Prepped’s part to display an ad or promote your listings or shops. Food Prepped can’t assure that a displayed ad or promotion will be clicked, and we cannot guarantee that if a user clicks that the associated listing will be sold.

Food Prepped’s advertising services and advertising policies change over time, as do those of Food Prepped’s third party channel partners, and neither Food Prepped nor its third-party channel partners guarantee any programme’s features, results, or third-party channels. Food Prepped reserves the right to change or terminate any campaign, incentive offer, or a programme in part or at any time.

Food Prepped may, and you give Food Prepped permission to, automate quantities or all an advertising service provided, including linking bids across listings, geographical regions, keywords, ad layouts, verticals, and on and off-Food Prepped marketing outlets and platforms. You give Food Prepped authorisation to do so, with notice from Food Prepped, even if those features or options replace the parameters and options you set for the advertising service.

In the event Food Prepped begins, ends, or amends an advertising service, you give Food Prepped consent to allocate your bids, budgets, and campaigns to that new programme, to the extent transferable for the defaults and features of the new or modified advertising service. Food Prepped will provide notice in the event of any such transfer.

You may be given the opportunity to participate in beta tests of advertising services offered by Food Prepped and/or third-party channels. Those beta services are subject to separate terms for a particular programme provided to you as part of your participation in that programme, as well as this Advertising & Marketing Policy and the overall Food Prepped Terms.

From time-to-time Food Prepped may test or experiment with additional advertising products and the advertising services offered by Food Prepped, as well as the look and feel of any type of advertisement, may change as our programmes and platforms evolve. 

Ads and promotions may not include substance that disregards or violates the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or owner rights.

Please see our Intellectual Property Policy for more information. You are responsible for ensuring that your ads and promotions conform with all relevant laws and regulations.

Food Prepped reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any ad or promotion for any purpose, in our sole discretion, including marketing that adversely affects our relations with our members or partners.

Last updated on 04 Dec 2023

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