Can I sell homemade food products?

Yes, selling homemade food products on Food Prepped is welcomed, provided you adhere to UK food and beverage accreditation, health and safety regulations, and legislation. Here are key considerations:

Accreditation: Ensure you have the necessary certifications and inspections required for home-based food businesses. This often involves registering your kitchen with the local authority and possibly undergoing a hygiene inspection.

Health and Safety: Follow strict health and safety guidelines to ensure your products are safe for consumption. This includes proper food handling, preparation, storage, and cleanliness practices.

Legislation: Familiarise yourself with the food and beverage laws applicable in the UK. This includes labelling requirements, food safety management procedures, and any specific regulations related to selling homemade goods.

Compliance with these standards is crucial for the safety of your customers and the integrity of your business on Food Prepped.

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